Profile Picturejethrojones
$97 a year

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Learning about AI can be fast, fun, and easy.

3 Minute Masterclasses teach you what you need to know. Fast

We, as leaders in our industry, need to take a stand on this topic.With social media, the social media companies made decisions about how this would affect the rest of us and we need to treat AI differently.That starts with education and then leads to advocacy, as I’m sure you well understand is an important part of making positive change happen.But learning new things like AI is hard, especially for people who aren’t technical and nerdy. It’s here to stay so it’s incumbent on us to understand it as best we can and make smart decisions as it relates to adoption of it.

To that end, I’ve created a course for associations like yours to provide as a benefit for your members called AI Leader.It has many short videos called
3 Minute Masterclasses
that explain different parts of AI and what they mean in short, easy to understand ways for non-technical people. We’re all too busy to spend more time than that on any one thing!Ideally, a member of your association would hear the words “prompt engineering” and would be able to go find that 3 Minute Masterclass on that subject, and understand what it is at a basic, intermediate, and advanced level. They’d be able to understand what people are saying about it and how it would impact them.

The key is breaking down the concept small enough that someone can get the idea in less than 3 minutes. Here’s an example of how to write great prompts.

All memberships include a 1 week free trial
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